Green Biogas FAQ
- What is Biogas?
- Is GreenBiogas Smelly?
- What is the best location for GreenBiogas?
- What are the best conditions for GreenBiogas?
- Can GreenBiogas be placed indoors?
- What is Bio-Fertilizer? How is it created?
- How much Bio-Fertilizer does GreenBiogas produce?
- Does the Bio-Fertilizer have an expiry date?
- How can the Bio-Fertilizer be used?
- What maintenance does the GreenBiogas system require?
- What can’t be fed into the GreenBiogas system?
- What can we feed GreenBiogas system with?
- What happens is GreenBiogas is fed with more than the maximal amount of waste?
- Is cooking on Biogas Safe?
Biogas is a gas produced from the decomposition of organic matter by bacteria in the absence of oxygen (anaerobic digestion). Biogas is smokeless, flammable gas typically composed of 60% methane and creates a blue flame when burned, just like LPG or natural gas, and is 20% lighter than air. Biogas can be used to cook and power your Generator.
GreenBiogas does not produce any odours. As the active carbon filters treat odours and toxic gases like H2S. Having said that, when you open your system to add food waste or manure, you will smell some odours that are normal and last for seconds only until you close the input sink again after you’re done with feeding the system.
GreenBiogas should be placed outdoors only, in a place where it can get maximum sunlight (not in the shade), on a stable floor, free from any obstructions. On top of this, it is very important to make sure that you meet the following conditions:
1.To have a water source close to where you intend to place the system.
2.To keep a free 0.5 meters from each of the system’s sides for easy access.
GreenBiogas relies on different groups of anaerobic bacteria that are responsible for the digestion of the organic matter. For the digestion to be successful some vital conditions must exist:
1.An average day/ night temperature of at least 20C/ 68F.
2.Never exceeding the maximum daily input of organic matter.
3.Keeping the system’s pH in the optimal range.
GreenBiogas should be only placed outdoors in a place where it can get maximum sunlight. HomeBiogas should be never placed inside the house, the garage, basement, etc.
In addition to creating Biogas, GreenBiogas creates a Bio-Fertilizer packed full of macro and micronutrients which are in the right form for rapid absorption by plants. The bio-fertilizer can replace store-bought fertilizer, reduce pollution and save you money. The bio-fertilizer can increase growth and plants’ resilience to diseases.The bio-fertilizer is automatically ejected from GreenBiogas through the fertilizer outlet as you add more organic waste into the system each day
The quantity of fertilizer produced by the system is equal to the quantity of feeding. If you feed the system with 6 liters per day of food waste, you should receive 6 liters per day of bio-fertilizer.Consistent quality in the fertilizer comes from constantly feeding the system a diverse mix of organic waste.If you’ve fed the system with human waste, you should treat the liquid effluent that comes out of the fertilizer outlet and not use it as a fertilizer on plants.
There is no specific expiration date, but the beneficial volatile compounds that form in the digester might be lost with time, so it is better to use as soon as possible.
The Bio-Fertilizer can be used in three ways:
1.Basic Dressing; meaning that you can use the Bio-Fertilizer about 1 month prior to planting to prepare the soil for planting.
2.Topdressing; meaning that you can use the Bio-Fertilizer during planting up to 2-3 times per week.
3.The water source for compost, will boost the composting process and add nutrients to the final product.
Remember, the Bio-Fertilizer should be diluted before use, simply mix 3 litres of water with every 1 litre of the Bio-Fertilizer.
We’ve got fantastic news! GreenBiogas requires nearly no maintenance, as the only thing owners need to do is a filter change once in some months according to the system’s size.
How is GreenBiogas activated to start producing Biogas?
The only method to activate GreenBiogas is using a fresh herbivore’s manure (cow, horse, donkey, pig… They all go in). It’s an effective, cheap, and easy method! Here’s how it goes:
1.Fill GreenBiogas with water, until it goes out of the fertilizer outlet
2.Wait for 24 hours
3.Add fresh animal manure in the suitable amount through the inlet sink.
4.Close the inlet and wait for the magic to happen.
The process should be made at 25C/ 77F and takes approximately. 1-3 weeks to be completed.Remember: Activation is a vital part of any GreenBiogas system, it is the way the bacteria are introduced to the system. Nailing this stage means a healthy and productive GreenBiogas system!
Wood shavings, straw, earth, sand, tree branches, paper, metal, plastic, glass, grass, or any non-organic liquid. It is also best to limit certain organic materials such as citrus peels, large pits from fruits such as avocado, etc. Citrus peels change the pH level and pits are difficult to digest.
Kitchen Waste: The system can digest food leftovers such as rice, cheese, meat, cooking oil, vegetable peels, fruit and any other “wet” food waste. Avoid feeding it large quantities of citrus fruit peels because they contain anti-bacterial oil which may reduce the effectiveness of the digestion.
Animal Manure: Animal manure, free from stones, straw and dirt, well-mixed with an equal quantity of water to create a wet slurry. You may also add dog or cat waste (without the sand or litter). It is recommended to wet the animal manure thoroughly, creating slurry before feeding it into the system. Dry waste will float to the surface of the digester tank and will not be properly digested.
Human Waste: It is possible to add human waste directly to the biodigester. With our bio-toilet addition, you can easily manage human waste in a hygienic and efficient way The human waste is transported directly into the digester through pipes and can be completely off-grid.
Feeding amounts change according to the size of the system and are very crucial for having a healthy and productive bacterial community. Feeding GreenBiogas with more than the bacteria are able to digest will cause a drop in the pH and an interruption of the gas production.
It most certainly is! In fact, the biogas produced in GreenBiogas is actually much safer than your current LPG (liquified petroleum gas) or propane gas tank for several reasons:
- Unlike LPG cylinders or propane tanks, the biogas in the GreenBiogas system is not compressed. Our safety engineers intentionally created a soft case to hold the biogas so that it is stored at low pressure.
- Since the gas is not compressed, the appliance stores a relatively small quantity compared to gas stored in cylinders. It is too little to pose a serious threat if ignited and is a minuscule amount compared to any other gas connection.
- Methane, which makes up 60% of biogas, is lighter than air and will diffuse immediately into the atmosphere if released from the appliance for any reason. This occurs naturally in waste disposal facilities like landfills all the time. What is unique about GreenBiogas is that we are harnessing the energy potential of the potent greenhouse gas (methane) before it is released into the atmosphere.
- Methane needs a concentration of 50% to be flammable. The moment it hits the air it becomes less concentrated, rendering it completely non-flammable.