Green Web
Our Green Web is a network of Users that exchange their recyclable materials for cash, household items and electronics. Under our Green Web Program, we target Individuals and households. Users can sign up for this free program, online or offline, and have their addresses added to our collection routes. Users can either request for pickup or drop off their recyclable Materials at one of our Green Hubs. The recyclable materials are counted at the point of pick up/drop off, and the Green Points earned are recorded.
The Green Points earned are recorded in the User’s “Green Booklet” and also entered into our database. The User’s earned Green Points is used to buy any of the Household items, electronics or cash listed on our Green Market, according to the A subscriber’s earned RecyclePoints is used to redeem any of the household items listed on our iRecycle Store according to the total Green Points. Check our Green Recycle Points Chat below for the number of Green Points you earn from each recyclable material.
To qualify to redeem any of the items listed on our Green Market, the User must have a minimum balance of 5,000 Green Points. Requests for redemption of earned Green Points can be made at any time either by sms/call to +2348154042477 or through the User’s Dashboard
Click Here to Signup to our Green Web and start earning instantly.